15 weeks - James 1:17

This week has been...long. I thought Friday would NEVER get here! But it's weeks like these that make me thankful to have a loving family and a job!

First things first - Rory started his new job this week! He really seems to like it. They have him training for the next 12 weeks so he doesn't technically start "working" until 2014...lucky dog! Its been weird that he's had to leave earlier than I do to go to work, but I don't mind being the one who gets to sleep a little longer ;) I'm hoping that we can maybe start carpooling again for the next little while to save on gas, cuz having two cars driving an average of 300 miles a week is for the birds!

Work has been weird. I'm trying not to take advantage of being able to work remotely, but I have to say, it's so easy to just roll over and send out an email blast that I'm working from home :) Tuesday I had a 31 party so I only worked half a day so I could get ready for that. Ironically, since I had already planned to do that, Tuesday, I woke up with a killer sore throat and sinus pressure....why not?! Needless to say, Wednesday was one of those "work from home" days. But wouldn't you know that those are my busiest days?! So now I am fighting to NOT get any sicker so I can actually go to work. It seems that when I go in to work, it's slow. I'm going to ride that wave of superstition and just keep going in to work :)

I figured out a few more things this week about my baby....he/she is sitting really low, which I haven't decided is a good thing or not. I guess at this point in the pregnancy, it doesn't really matter. Tuesday night, we had my party at my friend Monica's house and she happens to have a handheld doppler so we got to hear butter beans heartbeat! It was a strong 157! A friend of mine at the party happens to be a sonographer so she was a pro :) It took us a few minutes to find little bit but it was because he/she was so low and when we did, it was so awesome to be able to hear that little heart again! I have my next doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I'll be able to hear it again then! This will be the doctors appointment before we find out if we're having a Sam or an Emma!!! Have I mentioned how I can't wait till April?! 

Another thing I found out is that I can't be around ANYTHING that may throw-up...which includes my dog! She frequently gets sick because she can't help sucking down her water as fast as she can and then bouncing off the walls until she yaks it up....bless her. So Wednesday when I was at home, she started her tell-tale gagging and I knew it was coming. I ran her to the tub so I could just rinse it out once she was done, but I immediately started gagging myself! Just hearing her made my stomach start churning! I never ended up getting sick, but it was an awful feeling to almost get sick! I've noticed in the past that other things make me queezy too, like when someone blows their nose or if someone has a nose bleed. I've always been able to handle that kind of stuff with no problem! Thank goodness I'm not in the medical field!

I'm also getting pickier about my foods : / I can now taste the differences in pickles...and its sad because I am in love with pickles right now but it has to be a certain brand and taste...bless my heart. I discovered this week that I also don't like eggs (regardless of how they are cooked), and I am getting in more moods where I am very picky about what I want to eat. I have to be in the mood or I won't eat anything. 

I am also loosing my mind! Really! I can't remember anything and I feel like my brain is moving ninty to nothing constantly! This morning, I almost put the cereal in the fridge! I caught myself at the last minute and had to laugh. I've misplaced everything and I can't remember half the things I've told people....which results in me feeling like I'm telling Rory the same stories over and over lol! 

And my moods....dear God, please help me! My moods are worse than ever! I can turn evil in a millisecond! It doesn't take much (and its usually someone at work) to turn my mood and then it's downhill from there! I've had to learn to take a break and just chill out for a little bit and then re-evaluate myself and I'm good :) This is going to be an interesting 6 months...

25 weeks to go!

God bless!


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