16 weeks - 1 Samuel 1:27

Another long week in the books. This week I had my monthly checkup and everything looked good : ) Baby G had a nice, strong heartbeat and I had gained weight and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Yay for being hungry! I also got scheduled for our 20 week appoint for Nov 19th and we will find out then if Baby G is a boy or a girl! It starting to get real now and I'm getting super excited! : ) Hurry up April!!!

I have really been leaning towards a girl lately. Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can just see myself holding this tiny, dark haired baby girl and I get so excited! I'll be ok with a bald baby but I just have this dream of having a dark haired, light eyed baby : )

The bump is getting bigger but I'm not quite big enough to start wearing full on maternity. Thank goodness my jeans are stretchy because I LOVE me some jeans and I love that I can still wear them! I am having to ghetto-rig some of my dress pants to get them to stay up because they won't fit around me to button anymore : / I had on a pair Wednesday night and I think I used three hair ties to get them to stay up lol!

I tried an experiment yesterday with no nausea medicine just to see if the nausea was subsiding on it's own since I'm now 16 weeks along...boy was I wrong! The nausea was just as bad if not worse than when I was in my first trimester! Now how does that make sense? No clue. You better believe I made sure I took my meds this morning! And seriously, this stuff is AMAZING! Any woman who is thinking of getting pregnant or who is going through the morning sickness phase of your pregnancy, seriously, ask about this stuff! It's called Diclegis and it rocks! So I will continue to take it! I am close to running out so I'm wondering if I shouldn't just suck it up and grow a pair after there gone and just deal with pregnancy the way normal women do...I mean I'm ganna have to push a bowling ball out of me in April anyway so I might as well bow up now, right?! We'll see what kind of a wimp I am when they run out ; )

Rory is still enjoying his new job and is really enjoying his training. His schedule has changed a little for this week and he's now working from 9 to 5:15...lucky. So I'm back to being the first one up. But I do miss him being home when I got there : /

Tevin is still with us for one more week. I think he's starting to get homesick because he complains that "we always have something to do every night". You would think a 15 yo would like that but apparently not ; ) I'm glad he was able to come work one more time and make some money because next summer, he'll be 16 and able to get a real job in TN. Plus, I don't think he really wants to share a room with the baby next year ; )

So with him leaving next weekend, Mission:Get the Nursery Ready will be in full swing! We'll have to move all the furniture and boxes out of that room (into who knows where) and then clean like crazy cuz there's no telling what some of those corners look like! Yikes! We have 2 of the 5 pieces needed for the nursery so it's slowly but surely coming together. I am trying to convince Rory that we need to keep the full size bed frame for our next house for a guest room but I think he wants to get rid of any unused furniture so as not to clutter the house...he does have a point but I really don't want to have to pay for another bed in the next couple of years when we have a perfectly good one now!

So as you can probably tell, my mind is still in full blown pregnancy-brain-mode. I feel like I have ADD most of the time these days. I skip to all kinds of topics when I'm talking and I may be mid-sentence and switch to another topic! It's actually pretty entertaining to hear myself : ) I know Rory's getting a kick out of it!

24 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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