14 weeks - Philippians 4:6-7

I have made it! I am officially 1/3 of the way through my pregnancy!!! I'm still waiting on that boost of energy and the little bit of lingering nausea and morning sickness to go away but I am so excited to finally be in my second trimester! Now begins the getting fat part : )

The bump is more of a tiny roll as of right now, but it's definitely a bump! I have started having to utilize my hair ties in other ingenious ways (like holding my pants up) but thankfully, most of my jeans are the stretchy material so it hasn't been too uncomfortable. Sleeping, on the other hand, has been a challenge. I have never wanted to sleep on my back so bad! I know I'm just starting my second trimester but I'm already so paranoid that I'm going to cut off blood flow to my baby....I know I'm being ridiculous, but better safe than sorry! I've started having to sleep with a pillow in front of me, which doesn't make Rory happy if I'm facing him because it means no cuddling : / I have been more inclined to cuddle while I sleep....which I NEVER used to do. I'm the kind of person who is fine with cuddling until it's time to sleep; then, I want my space. I guess just one of the many changes...

Another change is that even though I'm hungry, I can't seem to eat a lot : / I attribute that to the fact that for the past 10 weeks, I haven't wanted to eat anything. And now that I'm hungry, my stomach has shrunk and it doesn't take much to fill it up. I've lost another couple of pounds but I'm hoping I'll stop losing and start maintaining over the next several weeks as I start to grow : ) My food aversions have started to subside (except for chicken and stir-fry) but I still really crave pickles and now, tuna! Rory made some tuna salad last night and I couldn't stop eating it! Between him, me and Tevin, we downed three cans of it! And I'm a little picky on my pickles....they have to be whole pickles, not spears. And dill, not sweet. I'm pretty sure if I had a couple of jars of pickles and a couple things of tuna salad, this little mama right here would be in heaven! I've been leaning more towards "healthy" foods and away from sweets now too, but that's not to say I wouldn't LOVE a HUGE bowl of ice cream a couple of nights a week : P ok....so maybe every night a week. I've been wanting more fruit and salads, which is what I was craving the first few weeks. Maybe Baby G is finally starting to ease up on the sugar cravings!

I will be 3 months exactly tomorrow, which is completely crazy to me! I have 6 months left before I am a mom! It seems like a long time sometimes and then I panic other times when I think about it. I am really glad that it's cooling down outside. I want to start wearing my boots like yesterday because I dread the days when I won't be able to get my swollen foot into a shoe, much less a boot. But I'm looking forward to the days when I get hot and all I have to do is walk outside : ) I'm getting excited going into the next third of the pregnancy but what I really can't wait for is to hold my baby! Seeing moms with babies out in public makes me want to fast forward to April when I can be that mom. But all in God's time...it's not done cooking yet ; )

26 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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