New Experiences

So it's only Tuesday and I've already had some new experiences this week : )

Yesterday, I attended my first military funeral. I had mentioned in a previous post that my boss's son was killed last week and he had served in the army for 10 years, even a tour in Afghanistan. He was no longer in the army, but I guess once you serve, you're military for life. The service was held at a new cemetery in Montevallo that was very nice. The service was executed very precisely and "military-like". I told several people later yesterday that the guy that led the service was one of the best that I'd heard at a funeral. It's never easy when someone dies young and especially if they precede their parents, but he did an exceptional job at making it very encouraging and uplifting, talking about how God keeps those that are His safe, maybe not in this life, but definitely in the next. While I didn't know Jimmy or his beliefs or views, I know it was very encouraging for his family to hear words spoken from the only place that can comfort. I know that God has his hand on the family and as long as they look to Him, they will be comforted. There was no 21 gun salute, but a bugle did play taps. Before we got to the service, someone had mentioned how the bugle isn't really played at all and that it's a recorder that's placed inside the horn and played, which totally ruined it for me. As soon as it started playing, I could tell that it was a recording. It was still beautiful but I couldn't help but think, "I hope that guy keeps the horn up and doesn't drop it before it finishes playing". It would have provided a nice comic relief but I don't imagine he would have had a good talk with his Sarg after that ; )

I also got to experience Emma's first hiccups : ) It just felt like constant bubbles popping. I guess I didn't realize it until after because at first, I thought she was just doing flips. It hit me later and I could have kicked myself for not taking it in more!

I may also get to experience my first pre-winter snow! The first day of winter is not for another month but thanks to Winter Storm Boreas, we may get a pinch (yes a pinch, not an inch) of snow today : ) Keep in mind that when we say "snow" here in Birmingham, it usually means a faint dusting or maybe just a few flurries that fall and immediately melt when they hit the ground. It's been pretty cold here lately so the ground is plenty cold but it's also covered with 2 inches of rain that has been falling since last night : / My only hope is that the temperature drops so drastically that ice covers the roads and no one can go to work tomorrow ; ) There's no point in sending those sand trucks out at this point, B'ham! That'll just make mud for everyone driving home tonight. Granted, that will make some car wash establishments very happy, but they probably won't be too thrilled about running car washes in near-freezing temperatures either.

This will also the last Thanksgiving for me and Rory as just the two of us : ) It's so crazy to think that next year, we will have a 7 month old to tote around with us! I'm beyond excited and I already can't wait for her to get here! But all in due time : )

I doubt I will write a 21 week post on Friday as we will be travelling back home from Columbus, but maybe I can catch up next Monday : )

Happy Thanksgiving!

God bless!


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