22 Weeks - 1 Peter 5:7

This week has been a week from....well, I'll just say, somewhere WAY down. Work was atrocious! Then again, it always is towards the end of the year because contractors and distributors are scrambling to get the last of the orders and projects in before the end. That doesn't bode well for me....I'm the one that gets the phone calls and emails from angry reps that are getting phone calls and emails from angry distributors that are getting phone calls and emails from angry contractors....as a lot of people at my work say "Crap rolls down hill and guess who's at the bottom?" Me : D

So that's my vent on work for the week : ) Hopefully as the holidays get closer, more people will chill out and just enjoy the peace of the holidays - wishful thinking : )

So if Ems wasn't moving before, she's definitely moving now! I have a sneaking suspicion this girl may just walk right out of me! Rory is still keeping his hands away just in case she decides to move around when he's close. He just cracks me up! I can't help but love the man! But along with all the movement has also come INSANE heartburn. I don't know if it's something I'm eating or maybe just eating too late and then immediately going to bed. I pop a couple tums every night before bed and inevitably, I wake up at 3 am feeling like my chest is about to burn right up my throat! I know that the 3 am wake-ups are just a cruel joke to attempt to get me ready for when Emma is here and she really is the one waking me up and not just heartburn. I actually had the experience of some of it being so bad to the point of getting sick! Talk about crazy! I just hope this girl has a head full of thick hair like her daddy....otherwise, I will not be looking forward to this aspect of any future pregnancy!

One aspect that really hasn't been that bad has been the constant need to go to the bathroom. I kind of feel bad when I see all these pregnant women going to the bathroom on the hour every hour and I keep my visits to one every few hours. I will say that I'm sitting most of the day and when I stand up is usually when I have to make a quick trip. But it really hasn't been that bad lately. It may be that as she gets bigger, I'll need to go more often, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Does anyone else think it's crazy that we're already a full week into December?! Where did this year go?! We already have the first Christmas party of the season tonight and our weekends are quickly filling up! I seriously don't think Rory and I have a free weekend until mid-January right now...I guess I should count this as a blessing though that we have such a blessed life as to be able to enjoy holiday parties and traveling to see family and friends.

There are so many people in this country and so many more in this world who have only a fraction of what Rory and I do, and we're considered "average". Comparatively speaking, yes, we are average in America, but to the rest of the world, we're all filthy rich! We have a home that we own, two cars, a house full of modern conveniences, two jobs that help us pay all of our bills on time and in full. How ungrateful we must seem to God when we complain about the little things! I joke about all the "first world" problems we have, like I can't stand to work without at least two computer screens, or how I'm mad that my oven cooks things too fast. I almost shutter to think about what my reaction would be if I had been like that rich young ruler that Jesus told to go sell all his possessions and follow him. It is truly humbling and sad to think that with everything we have these days, if Jesus were telling some of us that, we would stand shocked and dismayed that he would actually want us to be poor! "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." This isn't necessarily talking about being physically poor, but how much more would we be able to understand this concept if we were poor? And not necessarily living in a cardboard box, eating out of dumpsters kind of poor. Maybe college student poor. Living paycheck to paycheck poor. I'm sure a lot more people are that kind of poor than they would like to admit. Working so close to Mountain Brook sure makes me painfully aware of how little material wealth is actually worth. Do you really want to spend $100,000 on a car? or $1M on a house? Do you really NEED those? Granted, I would love to live in an adorable craftsman style 4 bedroom, 3 bath house with a 2 car garage and a big back yard for my kids. But do I need to have that to live a godly life?

So off my soap box now...I'm sure that could be a lengthy sermon if I really went deep ; ) For now, I am content with my little house in the middle of the "city" with a loving husband, a crazy dog, and a precious little girl on the way. God is so great to see me fit to handle all these blessings! I hope that everyone else is enjoying their holidays and getting to see many family and friends you may not get to see often!

18 weeks to go!

God bless!


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