25 weeks - Numbers 6:24-26

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and saw everyone and got everything they wanted! As eluded to in my statuses on FB, Rory and I have now realized that Christmas is no longer for us. Oh yes, we got some good stuff for us to play with, but the majority of presents were for Miss Emma...and she's not even here yet! I just hope she knows how much her Resee and Pops are going to spoil her if they are already buying up stuff for her when she's -4 months old.....

In all seriousness, it STILL has yet to hit me that I will have a daughter in a few short months. I see all the clothes and the toys and I think it will become a little more real once her furniture gets here and her room starts to take shape. Which btw, I am BEYOND excited that we now have everything for her nursery! (Big furniture-wise, anyways) Her Resee and Pops bought her crib and dresser for Christmas (Thank yall SO much! You have no idea how much this means to Rory and me!) and I will be "borrowing" a chair from my bro/parents to put in there as well. It's a chair that's been in the family for a while and has been recovered a few times. I don't plan on recovering it for her room (one, because that would take too long, and two, because it will likely look like a bomb went off in it when I get done using it) so I plan on getting a slip cover to put on it that will be easy to remove and clean : ) I'm already thinking simple and easy!

Her great-grandmother is also contributing to the Emma Fund and getting her travel system for her! This was another major purchase that Rory and I weren't necessarily looking forward to. It's much needed but, dang, baby stuff is SO expensive!

So after getting all this good news about baby stuff, I've calmed down : ) I was freaking out just a little last week thinking about all the things still left to do and get before she gets here and now, it's just down to the little things. I know she'll have MORE than enough when the time comes so I'm not so worried : ) The things she'll have the most of won't be things at all! This little girl will be loved beyond belief! She already is!

I haven't had any new symptoms but I am starting to get more uncomfortable as the days go by. It's getting harder to stand up after I've been sitting for a while and I'm having to go to the bathroom A LOT more...like, starting to get up in the middle of the night now : / It's also getting harder to put boots on...which is a huge bummer because 'tis the season for cute boots! So I've resorted to slip-ons the majority of the time. My Toms are getting some major wear! I've also really enjoyed the weather because I'm starting to get hot and stay hot most of the time! It's really nice when I can just walk outside and cool off : )

So one more weird week of holidays...I don't know if I like holidays right in the middle of the week because it makes me not want to work ANY that week. I've been totally taking advantage of "working at home" because it's so much easier to roll out of bed in my PJs at 8 am and hop on my computer than get up and get ready and drive 35 minutes down Hwy 280 to work! I have a feeling I'll be doing that a lot the further I get in the pregnancy.

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

15 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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