I vote for arranged marriages....

So apparently, my baby has the gift of premonition..and she's not even here yet! She was going CRAZY yesterday from the time I woke up (well, actually, she woke me up and wouldn't let me go back to sleep!) till I went to bed last night! And I think it was all because she knew her future husband was being born : )

Eli Cade was born yesterday! He is the most adorable chunk I have ever seen! I thought that it would throw me into a mood to have my baby girl here asap but it actually did the opposite. It kind of freaked me out and made me start thinking about how I'm not ready and how I don't know what I'm going to do when she does get here! Maybe it's a good thing to see a close friend go through it first so I can take in all the experiences (even though I know everyone's experience is different). I started thinking about how we don't even have the nursery close to ready yet! And I haven't even registered completely! I know I have roughly 4 months to go, but 4 months is really not that long when you think about it.

It really started to hit me when we were saying goodbye to Rory's parents yesterday after family Christmas and I mentioned something about visiting once in January and once in February and then I wouldn't be able to travel anymore until she got here. Talk about double take! I had to stop and make sure I was saying that right cuz surely it wasn't really just two more months before no more travel! I just try not to think about time lines anymore because I will straight up stress myself out.

So back to my daughter's future husband : ) I never understood why my parents would even joke about arranged marriages when I was younger. They didn't make any sense to me! Why would my parents want me to marry some guy they really didn't know just because they liked his parents?! So now I'm totally that parent : ) I have it all planned out too...Eli and Emma will be BFFs growing up and then they will go away to college somewhere and come back and fall madly in love when they are in their mid-20s and then they will get married and live happily ever after. And Emma won't even have to change her initials! ; ) I would totally be ok with that because I know that Eli's parents will raise him to be a perfect gentleman and a Godly leader...and who wouldn't want that for their daughter?!

It seriously does scare me a little to think about Emma and boys already. Boys were so disgusting when I was in high school and I can only imagine how much worse they will be when she's in high school, judging by some parents' definitions of "parenting and discipline". You better believe my children will be disciplined appropriately and will grow up to respect everyone! They won't be handed anything but will learn to work for the things they have and to appreciate all the blessings they have. Kids today just seem to feel so entitled...and for what?! Granted, I will make sure my children have everything they need and will want for nothing...but they won't be spoiled brats who get mad when they don't get a cell phone at age 5 or a brand new sports car at 16....nope. They will wait, just like I did, to get a used car at 16 and a cell phone to go with it. And I'm sure that Rory's first encounter with a boy in Emma's case will be a good 'ole southern tradition of meeting the kid on the front porch cleaning his shotgun ; ) And you know her uncles and Pops are ganna be sitting right next to him brandishing some sort of weapons ; ) Bless her poor unborn heart...growing up in the south is ganna be interesting.

So just a little ramble to begin your holiday week. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas filled with love and togetherness!

And congrats to Adam and Monica Gamble on the beautiful Eli Cade!

God bless!


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