24 weeks - Psalms 139:14-15

Can anyone else believe that Christmas is 5 days away?! I'm not even CLOSE to ready, and I dread how unprepared I'll be next year if I'm this unprepared without a child! My house has hardly any decorations except for the Christmas tree (which I finished decorating this past week). It just seems like everything has been a blur since Thanksgiving! Well actually, it's been a blur since August!

I've had some old/new experiences emerge this week...and not so fun ones. I've already had the experience of the round ligament pains but I guess it's been a minute since I've felt any. I don't know if it's a combination of those and trapped gas, but let me tell you - it is definitely NO BUENO! I was in pain Wednesday night to the point of almost being sick! It was also coupled with getting too hot, which is never good when you're pregnant. I'm afraid that I have surpassed that one week where you feel so amazing being pregnant. It hasn't been bad but this stuff is for the birds...and I still have 16 weeks to go!

I'm also experiencing a constant feeling of being full even when I haven't eaten anything! I think it's just my belly expanding with an ever-growing baby. Plus, my stomach has gone who knows where since she's taking up space and it doesn't take much, if any food, to make me full : / This does not bode well for someone who likes to eat! I guess I'll just keep my habit of constantly grazing until she gets here : ) Maybe it will be a good habit for me to keep if I can add in some exercise!

My doctor's appt on Tuesday went very well : ) I saw a different doctor and he was very pleased with Emma's size and heartbeat and said she is right on schedule! He also gave me some good news that she would likely be closer to the size I was when I was born, which is closer to 7 than 8, which is awesome! I was a little scared that I would be trying to push an 8 lb baby out of me come April. It could still happen, but he thought it wasn't very likely. He also said my weight gain was right on target but wants me to gain another 16 lbs before she gets here. 16 LBS!!! What the what?! It's not enough that I already weight more than I have my entire life, now he wants me to gain double what I have already! Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but it's just so foreign to me to gain so much weight! Maybe the Lord will bless me with the gene's that my cousin Laura has and I can immediately look like I've never been pregnant when she comes out : )

So now it's off to finish up Christmas shopping and relaxing for a little while. You would think that the business world would be slacking up with people getting "holiday-itis" and not wanting to do anything....boy would that be nice! I haven't decided if having a holiday right in the middle of the week is going to be a good thing. Maybe it will since there won't be enough business days left to do much of anything in the construction industry : ) Here's hoping!

16 weeks to go!

God bless!


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