10 Weeks

This week has been full of its ups and downs...but what week isn't?

I am inching ever closer to the end of the first trimester and impatiently awaiting my boost of energy and relief from nausea and morning sickness. I have to consider myself lucky, though, as I've only gotten physically sick a few times; once was, in my opinion, more than being pregnant, and the others were definitely from peanut.

This past week gave me a sneak peak of the reprieve from nausea and I was actually hungry for the first time in several weeks. I was still exhausted most days. I just try to keep it in my mind that these symptoms are a good thing - showing me that peanut is growing and developing like it should.

Rory and I got to enjoy dinner and a movie with some friends on Saturday while E was at some friends' house. I felt like a total nerd, getting excited about seeing Star Trek, but it was so good! I love me some action movies and there was definitely no shortage of action in that one! I was glad we went the earlier showing (7:30) because I was definitely feeling the exhaustion when we picked Emma up at 10:45. She was still going strong after not having a nap ALL DAY but was out like a light as soon as we pulled out of the driveway.

I had one of my worst days of this pregnancy yesterday. I woke up before the sun and already felt awful. That should have been my cue that it was going to be a bad day. I sucked it up and tried to get a few minutes of sleep but gladly got up when my alarm went off at 7. I had already planned on getting up earlier to get the communion bread made for that day and get lunch in the crock pot by 8. I was successful with the communion bread (although Rory said it could have gone a little longer...better soft bread than the hard kind that pings off the plate when you break it) and got halfway through making lunch when my breakfast decided to make its second appearance. After that, Rory was my savior and finished making lunch. I laid on the couch until I felt like I could function at least a little and then went up to help get Emma ready for worship. Once she was dressed and downstairs, it was a quick breakfast and she and Rory were out the door.

I literally spent all day on the couch. I ate some toast and a little bit of the stew that we made for lunch but it was a lot of crystal light and being lazy. I never could shake the nausea for the rest of the day and put myself to bed at 9 last night after taking my last two Diclegis. I will definitely be getting a refill!

Today was better. I was actually rested enough to be able to get out of bed after hitting my alarm only once. I had a little incentive; I got to see peanut today! Since my first ultrasound was so early (barely 6 weeks), we hadn't been able to hear the heartbeat so this was our second chance. The baby looked more like baby this time and it had a strong heartbeat of 169 bpm. It was so magical to hear that little heartbeat. I couldn't help but grin like a fool. The tech said everything was developing perfectly and the heartbeat was strong so I'm looking forward to a very uneventful pregnancy.

After talking with my doctor, we got my next appt in the books for 5 weeks from today and I'll be seeing another doctor from the practice. It should be a quick and easy visit. Then 5 weeks after that, we'll see if peanut is a Maddux or a Penelope! My doctor also reiterated her opinion that I should have a repeat c-section and that if we go that route, we'll be put in the books for February 13th. What a great valentine's day present! :)

In the world of my other child, she has come so far in her speech. She can say her m's correctly most of the time now (which means I am now mama all the time) and we're working on p's, b's and n's now. I feel like she is more talkative now, or maybe it's because we can understand her more than half the time now. She's still hard to understand a lot but I don't think it will be much longer before that changes. It was almost an overnight change from baba to mama!

She amazes me every day with how much she learns and changes. I watched her this weekend eating and she looked like such a grown up with her fork and spoon, taking little bites of everything. I am soaking it all in because I know that even though I'll get to experience it all again with the new baby, it will be totally different. I know that she and Rory will continue to get closer as I lean on him more to do things and it makes me a little sad that she won't be a mama's girl anymore, but I'm trying to remember to do things with just me and her so that mama/Emma time is still special.

I think I'm more impatient with this pregnancy because I know the blessing that comes at the end. Even though the first 2 months are filled with little to no sleep and a crazy schedule where you don't know what day it is, I'm looking forward to seeing peanut grow and change just like it's big sister is.

30 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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