9 weeks

This week has been...let's just say, interesting.

Like I've said before, this pregnancy is completely different from my first. I know that every one is different and even my great aunt told me Saturday that my great grandmother, who had 9 kids, said all 9 of her pregnancies were different. I'm glad to be experiencing being pregnant again but I could do without some of the negatives.

The nausea this time around is about 100 times worse. I just can't shake it, even with eating small meals, taking medicine (I'm up to taking the max four diclegis per day) and wearing sea bands. It's just a nagging, awful feeling. I still think it's worse than actually throwing up. I wish I could just get sick just once and then I know I would feel better, even if it's just for a few minutes before the next wave hits. I was trying to think back to my last pregnancy and just when the worst of the morning sickness was and I vaguely remember at 10 1/2 weeks being sick as a dog for one day and throwing up like 4 times before the amazing Diclegis was given to me. Then, it was like I was normal again! I'm only a week and a half away from that so I'm hoping that maybe around 11 weeks, the morning sickness will start to die down and the meds will really start to kick in. Until then, I'll be clinging tightly to my saltines and Gatorade.

The exhaustion is still bad too but I'm starting to get bursts of energy, especially after short power naps. My weekends are still full of lazy days on the couch but I'm trying to do better, especially since I can't really be lazy ALL day with a 2 year old and a husband to take care of. Rory has really stepped it up though, and I'm proud of him. I feel guilty not being able to do everything I could before (dishes, laundry, dinners, etc) but he's a little bit OCD so he's totally fine with cleaning. I still try to do most of the cooking when I can, and so far, so good. I still don't have any aversions but strong smells do bother me (regardless of what they are) and I'm craving more sweets and junk food than anything. I'm totally THAT pregnant lady that will down a bowl of ice cream and then get a large pickle for the road. Mmm, that sounds good :)

We're a week away from having ultrasound #2 and seeing our peanut again! I'm so excited! I'll be sure to post pics. I'm also really starting to show my tiny bump. I'm relishing in the fact that I can wear stretchy pants without excuse now too! If I could, I would live in leggings and tshirts. Alas, I'm the face of HR at work and I don't think it would be advisable.

Another difference this time around is that I'm always cold! I'm sure it will change once the baby starts to get bigger, but for now, I'm constantly wrapped in a blanket at home and at work. Granted, I do work right next to the air vent so my desk is always about 5 degrees cooler than everyone elses. Not a good thing when you're constantly cold.

Now to more serious thoughts. Unless you live in a cave or in denial, it's likely you've seen all the insanity that has been going on in our country and the world over the last month. I don't necessarily believe that there's been that big of an increase in violence per se, but an increase in how it's presented to us. With social media today, everything is within a seconds notice. Something that happens in China can be heard about mere minutes later in the United States. News stories have never been more accessible than they are now in the 21st century. We don't have to wait on newspapers to report happenings or wait until your neighbor hears about it from someone down the street. We are more plugged in now that ever. And what sells? Violence and scandal. Sure, we like to read about feel-good stories, but who doesn't want to hear about the bad stuff even more?! The media knows this. That's why they're in business, and if they can promote more business by publishing every horrific story they are presented with, why not?

I'm not saying that hatred and prejudice don't exist. They do very much. And I'll tell you what: no one is more pleased about what is going on in the world than Satan. This is what he exists for! He's so excited when people hate and kill. He's excited when people choose to use events like this to promote more hatred and their own gain. People ask so often, what is happening to our world? You really don't know? It's been happening since the beginning of the world. Sin. Sin is right in the middle of all of it. It terrifies me to no end the downright evil that is everywhere. It's sad when the talks you have at night with your husband center around guns and protecting yourself. My concern shouldn't be that. It should be, and still largely is, law enforcement's concern. I shouldn't worry that I have to protect myself because the police are bigger targets than I am and they have to focus on protecting themselves instead of others. I shouldn't be terrified to bring children into this world.

I know that above all else, God is in control. Even though Satan and sin are running rampant, I know that God has already won the war. I don't know about you, but if I know who the winner already is, why would I run with the losing team? It's hard to love people who hate and kill, but that's what we're called to do. Marshall brought a great lesson last night on loving your enemies and how the world needs to know Jesus and the good news of God's saving grace more than ever! I, personally, have the hardest time just striking up conversations of the gospel, and to be frank, it's because I'm not completely familiar with everything in the gospel. I know that learning and study is never over but I'm ashamed to say that I really should know more and be able to carry on a conversation with a complete stranger and share the gospel, and I don't. I know enough to be able to teach bible classes and I'm doing better to study more. I'm also very shy when it comes to strangers and striking up any kind of conversation makes me nervous. So now my goal, beyond teaching my children all about God and his love, is to teach myself and be able to share this with everyone because we all need it! It's selfish of me to keep such an amazing gift to myself when I can share it and possibly lead someone to God. I can plant the seed, but God gives the growth.

Ok, soap box done.

31 weeks go go!

God bless!


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