6 Weeks

So we just found out we're pregnant a mere two weeks ago and already, this pregnancy has been SO different. I've had a lot more initial symptoms of pregnancy and the nausea started with a vengeance on week 5. I haven't been sick yet but I give most credit to Diclegis for that. I haven't hated chicken this time around either but I'm having a very hard time finding anything that I actually want to eat. I'll have an intense craving for something and then as soon as I get it, I take a couple of bites and I don't even want to look at it anymore. I counted myself lucky that I didn't do that my first pregnancy...karma is cruel.

I had my first doctor's appoint on Monday this week and it was confirmed that I wasn't as far along as Dr. Favor presumed I was. Monday was locked in as day 1 of week 6 and my due date was listed as February 20th. I was a little disappointed because I was hoping I was closer to week 7 but, no matter. This baby will come when it's good and ready :)

The baby was a tiny little spec on the screen so it was hard for the tech to get a heartbeat to come over the speakers, but you could definitely see the little flapping of the heartbeat. She said everything looked completely normal and she'd likely see me later since this was such an early ultrasound.

I met with Dr. Favor and she was super excited that everything had worked out just like she predicted! She told me at my last visit with her in early May that she figured it wouldn't be long before I was back in for an OB appointment...little did she know it would be a little over a month later! Her nurse, Lindsay, loaded me up with all the usual papers and samples of prenatal vitamins and called me in a script for Diclegis since I was already experiencing nausea. Thank you Lindsay! I'm scheduled to go back at 10 weeks and have another ultrasound to get the heartbeat, so until then, I'm impatiently waiting to see my little sweet pea!

We've already come up with four names as well, just in case. I did only see one little tadpole in the ultrasound, but you never know if one was just hiding well. I'm praying it stays only one, but only God knows :) For now, it will be Maddox Paul or Penelope Rae. I'm especially excited to use parts of Ray's name since he loved his grand babies so much! I know he would be proud for us to use his name for his fourth grandchild.

Emma's still oblivious to the fact that there's a new baby coming. I try to tell her every chance I get that there's a baby in mommy's tummy. She'll get all excited and come and touch my belly and then run and get her baby doll, which gives me a good laugh. She has no idea.

We're looking forward to a fast and easy pregnancy, but if the last couple of weeks are any indication, it will be a very different pregnancy. Pray that we can keep our sanity!

34 weeks to go! God bless!


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