8 weeks

Today is the day to announce it to the world!

I'm hoping it will be a sign of good things to come this week. This weekend was a complete bust of a weekend, putting it lightly. It was really almost a repeat of the previous weekend, minus fireworks. Good thing we didn't plan much.

Rory's mom and niece came down for a visit since it's been a while since we visited them last and it will likely be a while from now. It was nice to see them but I hope we didn't share any unwanted germs for them to take back with them.

My misery started on Thursday when I felt like poo when I got home from work. I spent the next several hours wrapped in my blanket on the couch until Rory made me go to bed early. Then it was more tossing and turning all night trying to get warm. Friday morning was not much better. I actually had my first real case of morning sickness at work and then decided to take it to the doc in the box because I felt like I was swallowing knives. After a negative strep test, the doctor told me that since I was pregnant, there wasn't much they could give me, so the instructions were to go home, rest, drink plenty of fluids and take Tylenol for the fever and pain.

Ironically, Rory came home after work Friday and had the same symptoms: chills, fever, sore throat, etc. I sent him to bed early this time while I attempted to fake feeling perfectly normal and go about my wifely/mommy duties. I would say it was a success because Emma and Rory's mom and niece were fed and went to bed content Friday night. I fell into bed and was out like a light by 9:30.

3 am came pretty early. That was when Rory and I were woken up by a crying child who had thrown up all over her bed. We both sprang into action getting her cleaned up and changing her sheets. You never would have known both of us still felt bad. It was almost like my adrenaline made me completely forget myself. From then until 5:30, Rory and I tag teamed it. One of us would soothe her back to sleep until she threw up again and then the other one would get up and clean her all up and soother her while the other one tried to get a little sleep. I decided to make the trip to Walmart for some Pedialyte at 4 am while Rory took his turn getting her back to sleep. I got the good end of that deal and got to sleep a whole 45 minutes when I got back before she threw up again. I really blame that more on Rory because he caved to her cries for chocolate milk (and every mother knows dairy is a BIG no-no when you have a stomach bug). She doesn't like water and that's why I made the trip to Walmart because we didn't have any other kind of drink besides that and water. She has her daddy wrapped around her finger so all she had to do was give that pitiful look and she got her chocolate milk. He also got it right back when she threw it up all over him ;)

So then it was trying to get 5 minutes here and there for the rest of the day. Thankfully, Emma was more than cooperative when it came to just being lazy all day. She gets very cuddly when she doesn't feel good so our favorite spot was the big chair and ottoman all day. With all the craziness of everyone being sick, my symptoms of pregnancy were gladly subdued for a little while. I would like to say it was a combination of sleep, nausea medicine and some Tylenol that made me almost forget them. It was probably a little bit of motherhood too, having to suck it up and take care of my two babies (Emma and Rory).

Sunday was a much better day and Emma only got sick once in the morning. I think it was more due to the fact that she woke up so thirsty and hungry that she slammed almost a whole drink and then when she was settled, her little body was not happy about that. She did great for the rest of the day and was able to keep down several pouches and some toast. She was still very cuddly, which I did not complain about. Rory and I were still feeling less than stellar too so another day of being lazy was just what the doctor ordered.

Fast forward to today and we're all slowly getting back (or at least Rory and I are still taking it slow). Emma was less than happy to have to wake up at 7 am but once she was up, she was back to her silly, crazy little self. She wore her adorable Big Sister shirt to daycare today to let everyone know that she's going to be a big sister in February! Maybe this baby will decide to come early like she did and be a Valentine's Day baby :)

Today also greeted me with the usual preggo symptoms again. I was back to being super tired and nauseous. I'm looking forward to the next 6 weeks going by VERY fast! Come on second trimester!

32 weeks to go!

God bless!


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