Back to the real world...

Well its been almost a week now that we've been back and I'm ready to go back now! Haha! New York was a BLAST! It was very cold but just being there and not having to work all week made it so worth it : ) We got to see a lot of really cool stuff but we didn't get to see everything on our list. New York is definitely a place that you could easily spend two or more weeks there and STILL not see everything! My favorite thing was definitely the subways. I could get so lazy if we had that here in Birmingham. It was so easy just to jump on the subway a block from the rental and ride it straight into Times Square! It was definitely an experience though. I guess I can blame it on being raised a southern belle, but people up there are SO rude! They look at you funny if you try to talk to them or excuse yourself for running into them. I guess it's just the culture up there. Of course my camera died on the way up there so I had to rely on my phone to get some good shots. They were pretty good quality photos, if I do say so myself : )

This is a view from the top of Rockefeller Center. We got two passes to go up there that day. It was 68 floors up! Twice the size of the tallest building in Birmingham!

We didn't go to the top, but this is the view inside the Empire State Building : )

This is from the top of Rockefeller Center at night. The really bright part to the right is Times Square.

Me and Rory in front of Rockefeller Center.

I really can't wait to go back! Next time will definitely have to be in the late spring or fall. The cold was very different from the south because it didn't matter how many layers you had on, it would cut right through you!

With our trip being so great, we had to know that life would be waiting for us right where we left it. We FINALLY got our sink fixed yesterday. The plumber said the clog was a combination of old pipes, paint, gunk, and other really nasty unidentifiable things. But I can now do dishes to my hearts content! : ) but of course, with one thing fixed, another has to break. Now we have no heat or air. It was inevitable, seeing as how the unit that came with the house looked like it was about 50 years old. Luckily, we have a member of our church who is an AC man and he has offered to come look at it. Hopefully we wont have to spend ALL our tax money on a new HVAC, but if we do, we won't have to worry about it for another 15 years and it will add value to the house : )

We're planning on visiting the inlaws in Tennessee this wkend so it will be another nice mini-vacation : )

For now, may God bless you.


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