Countdown to the Big Apple!

The weekend was somewhat uneventful....but that just meant I got a lot more done! I had planned to start cleaning Friday night when I got home because Rory was going to gone for game night with the guys. Obviously, God had other plans for me. I got a migraine and ended up crashing on my favorite overstuffed chair watching Bones all night. I actually got about 11 hours of sleep counting the hour break I had to take at 2 am to let Rory in :)

I did get a lot done Saturday however. I went one room at a time (which doesn't take long when you only have 6 rooms total in your house) and vacuumed and organized almost every room. The bedrooms still need some work but that will just have to wait til this wkend. I got a lot of laundry done and only a handful of dishes. I would really love to call the plumber to come fix the sink but we've decided to wait until after New York when we can see how much $ (if any) we have after the trip. I would just really love a dishwasher though...I never thought I would want one this bad but you take it for granted when you have one : /

Now we're focusing on the countdown to New York! 167 hours from right now we will be arriving in New York for the week!!! I just know we're going to look like typical tourists with our heads constantly looking up at how tall the buildings are. We've been trying to prepare ourselves for just how tall they'll comparing the Wells Fargo building in downtown Birmingham, which has 34 floors, to the Empire State Building, which has 102 floors. That's over three Wells Fargo buildings on top of one another! I am beyond excited to fly again too. I haven't been on a plane since freshman year of college when we flew with the football team to North Carolina. This will definitely be an adventure!

For now, may God bless you!


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