Our first post.....

So....I'm kind of new to this whole blog thing. I figured with a somewhat new life starting now, I would begin this to share with family and friends that wanted something more than Facebook status updates and news feed.

Rory and I have been married now for 5 months. 5 MONTHS! Its so crazy to think that we've almost made it to half a year of marraige! Life is good. The house if coming along and work is going good for both of us. We're coming up on our first vacation (other than our honeymoon, cuz that really doesn't count) and we're beyond excited! More on that to come...

Rory's work is doing good but he's constantly on the lookout for bigger and better things (as am I). He likes the bank but not so much the location. And I can't blame him. There are a lot of creepers in downtown Birmingham, and he is definitely DOWNTOWN. I've been to his branch a couple of times, and both times I felt like I needed to be packin'! If only it weren't a federal building...

My work is picking up...in an understated manor of speaking. The office manager is on medical leave indefinitely which means that I have been shoved into the position. It's not so bad, but being one of only four women in the building, I've realized just how bad guys keep up with things! I've taken over ordering supplies, which means that when we're completely out of something, that's when I hear about it. I really like my work but I know that I won't want to do it forever. We'll see what the Lord has in store.

For now, may God bless you.


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